Sniper Tips
Learn the best practices and nuances of bidding on ebay. Also things to look out for.
Learn how to use the EZsniper site to make sure you winning all the eBay auctions you can.
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Frequently Asked Questions
We've compiled a list of answers to common questions.
What is a snipe?
A snipe is a last-minute, or last-second auction bid.
Why should I snipe an auction?
You should bid late in the auction to win more of your auctions, for the convenience of not having to sit by your computer waiting for the auction to end, and to save money. Sniping helps to eliminate competitive bids. It also prevents other bidders from discovering your proxy (maximum) bid because your bid is kept completely private until the very end of the auction. It keeps your interest in an item private. Sniping protects you from being shilled. And, it's fun to watch the bidding play out...automatically. Independent UNIVERSITY STUDIES have found that experienced bidders submit their bids as late as possible in timed online auctions, auctions site like the ones EZsniper supports.
Is it bad auction etiquette to snipe?
On the contrary. Sellers recognize that snipers are enthusiastic, knowledgeable buyers who commit to a maximum bid and use the proxy bidding system. Buyers like to snipe because it gives them more control over the purchase and price. And eBay says, "Sniping is part of the eBay experience." The only people who don't like sniping are incremental bidders, like "lowballers" and "nibblers." We feel each bidder should be able to find the bidding style and use the bidding tactics which work for them.
What makes EZsniper different than other auction snipers?
There are several differences between EZsniper and other snipers. First, there are two kinds of auction snipers: software and online services. EZsniper is an online service. There is nothing to download or install, no updating of the software required when you use EZsniper. Your computer doesn't have to be on, or online, to use our service.* Second, EZsniper is better than other sniper services because of our advanced bidding application, system reliability, and customer support. We have made the commitment to provide better service in these areas, and have been doing so since 2001, much longer than most other services.
What does EZsniper cost?
Get complete information on our PRICES page.
If I subscribe to EZsniper, how do I end my service?
You have complete control of the billing on your EZsniper account. After you log into your account, there is an END REBILLING and a RESUME SERVICE button on the ACCOUNT SERVICE tab on the SETTINGS page of the MY ACCOUNT menu. If you have an active subscription, one or the other buttons will be visible, the other faded. Just click END REBILLING to end the rebilling on your account. Your service will end with the current billing cycle. When you are ready to continue using EZsniper, just click the RESUME SERVICE button. You will not be billed again until you resume your service. This way you retain your current rate and avoid any future price increases, and you don't have to re-enter your billing information.
Why do I need to give my auction site user I.D. and password?
You don't need to give us your eBay user ID or password. But, for the other auctions sites we support, we are not able to bid for you unless you allow us. EZsniper acts as your bidding agent. To do so, your username and password for auction sites other than eBay must be in our database.
I forgot my EZsniper username or password. What can I do?
You have a login to access your EZsniper account, and you have a login for each auction site you use EZsniper to snipe, except eBay. We don't collect your eBay username or password. To have your EZsniper login sent to the email address we have for you, click the DOWN ARROW, then FORGOT LOGIN? link in the top right corner of the site. Enter your email address on the page that opens. Your username and password will be emailed to you. If you have a spam blocker enabled on your computer, be sure it allows emails from through. Your usernames are visible on the MANAGE LOGINS page of your MY ACCOUNT menu once you have logged in.
How do I change my EZsniper username, password or e-mail address?
To change your EZsniper login log into your EZsniper account, then go to the MY ACCOUNT menu on the left sidebar, then MANAGE LOGINS. Click the EZsniper LOGIN button at the top of the page, then EDIT LOGIN button. To change the email address we have on the account go to CHANGE EMAIL on the MY ACCOUNT menu.
How do I change the eBay login, or any of the bidding account logins I have on file with EZsniper?
Except for eBay, you have a login to access your EZsniper account, and separate logins for each auction site you use EZsniper to snipe. To change any of these logins, log into EZsniper. From the left sidebar, go to MY ACCOUNT>MANAGE LOGINS. At the top of the page you may select between BIDDING LOGINS and EZsniper LOGINS. Choose BIDDING LOGINS to manage the logins for auction sites. If you want to link or re-link your EZsniper account to eBay, click the text link on your eBay bidding account listing. If you want to change any of your other bidding account logins, use the EDIT LOGIN button next to that bidding account. You may also ADD, DELETE or VERIFY bidding accounts from this interface.
Is EZsniper secure?
Submitting a bid using EZsniper is more secure than submitting a bid from your computer. Once your bid is in our database, no one else will ever see it. And, because we don't need your eBay login to snipe for you, your privacy is assured. We take security very seriously..
What is your privacy policy?
Attorney/client... doctor/patient... EZsniper/bidder. We take your privacy very seriously. The information you provide is kept in the strictest confidence. No data is collected on individual accounts, nor is any cumulative data collected by us on the use of our service. No information is sold or distributed to third parties. Everything you bid on is between you and the seller. Read more about our privacy policy HERE.
What is the best bidding strategy?
Bid the highest amount you think the item is worth, and let the proxy system and EZsniper do their jobs. If you need more information, please go to our TUTORIAL page on Bidding Strategy, or check out our BIDDING TIPS.
Do you guarantee my bid will win?
You are guaranteed to succeed when you use We do not guarantee you will win every auction you bid on, but we do guarantee you will win during your free trial and your subscription to EZsniper. If you do not win an auction any time during your free trial, we will extend your free trial. And, when you subscribe, if you do not win any auctions during your subscription period, we will extend your subscription. Either way, you are GUARANTEED TO SUCCEED with
How does it work?
It is very easy to get started with EZsniper. Join the free trial by creating an account with a username and password. Add a bidding account with the username and password you use on the auction site. You are now ready to start adding bids for sniping. You will see your bid listings on your AUCTIONS page where you can watch the progress of the auction. Shortly before the auction ends, your bid will go from PENDING to QUEUED, then at just the right moment, EZsniper will deliver your bid. If you have the auction site open in another window or on another tab on your browser, it's a thrill to refresh the screen as the seconds count down and watch your bid be delivered automatically.
How do I add an item to be sniped with EZsniper?
ADD INTERFACE - This interface is on the right side of most EZsniper pages after logging into your account, and it is very intuitive. Just enter the information requested in the fields. Copy the item number from the auction site and paste it in the designated space. Enter you maximum bid, select the auction site from the dropdown and press SNIPE!.
If you need help, there is a Quick Guide available on the add interface.
SNAPPER, - This is small tool which goes on your browser's toolbar. It makes adding bids for sniping very convenience when you are on the eBay auction page. Simply click the SNAPPER icon. EZsniper's SNAPPER window opens on top of the auction page. If you are already logged into your EZsniper account, SNAPPER will have the eBay item number already filled in. Just enter your bid, select the auction site, then click SNIPE!. Go to the SNAPPER page for complete instructions on how to add Snapper your browser's toolbar and use it.
BULK ADD - You may want to use this option if you are adding several bids for sniping. The link to the BULK ADD interface is on the ADD INTERFACE. When you click this link, you are taken to a screen that has instructions on how to use the BULK ADD field. Put one auction and snipe information per line, and separate the information with a comma as is shown in the instructions. BULK ADD takes the drudgery out of adding several bids when you want to snipe a lot.
Finally, a word about bid amounts. EZsniper makes no currency conversions. So, for international auctions, just bid in the currency of the auction. That means, if the auction is in GBP's, you should value your bid in GBP's. Also, do not enter any other characters other than numbers and a single decimal. DO NOT ENTER a comma, $'s or GBP, or anything other than the numbers of your bid with the single decimal in the appropriate place. All additions, deletions, and changes to your Pending Auctions list must be done prior to six minutes before the end of the auction.
If you need more information, please go to our TUTORIAL page on bidding or check out our TROUBLESHOOTING pages.
How do I delete or change a bid?
From your EZsniper auction list, simply press the DELETE button on the bid listing to eliminate that bid. To change a bid, click the EDIT button. All additions, deletions, and changes to your Pending Auctions list must be done prior to six minutes before the end of the auction.
If you need more information, please go to our TUTORIAL page on how the AUCTIONS page functions.
How do I adjust the bidding interval so my bid arrives at the auction site a few seconds before the end of the auction?
This adjustment is available on the PREFERENCES tab of the SETTINGS page on your MY ACCOUNT menu. Our default is 4 to 5 seconds before the end of the auction, and we do not suggest a bidding interval any shorter, but you may have a longer, or shorter, interval if you feel it gives you an advantage. Shorter intervals run a greater risk of arriving after the auction closes.
Will my bid be raised to just beat the previous high bidder or will EZsniper bid everything?
In most cases your bid will be adjusted one bidding increment above the previous high bidder if you have bid enough. EZsniper uses the proxy bidding system to bid just enough to make you the winner, up to your maximum bid. In reserve auctions, that may mean raising your bid more than one bidding increment to meet the reserve. The proxy system is not used on Dutch auctions where there is more than one of the same item up for auction. So, on Dutch auctions only, when EZsniper submits your bid, the auction site will generally apply the full amount of your bid.
Bidding in my auction is not in US dollars. Will EZsniper work for me?
EZsniper works with any currency. Just enter numerals, a decimal, then two numerals. Your bid will be interpreted in the auction's currency whether it's USD's, GBP's, EUR's or any other currency. EZsniper makes no currency conversions. Just bid in the currency of the auction. That means, if the auction is in GBP's, you should value your bid in GBP's. The currency of the auction is the bold number displayed on the auction page. Any other value there is for your convenience. For example, if you are looking at a UK auction by way of the eBay US auction site, you might see a conversion into USD's. That conversion is only there for your convenience. Value your bid in GBP's. Also, do not enter any other characters other than numbers and a single decimal. DO NOT ENTER any commas, $'s or GBP, or anything other than the numbers of your bid with the single decimal in the proper place. All additions, deletions, and changes to your Pending Auctions list must be done prior to six minutes before the end of the auction.
If you need more information, please go to our TUTORIAL page on bidding in international currencies.
What happens if two people are sniping the same auction?
If two people are sniping the same auction the highest bid will win. If they bid the same amount the first bid to reach the auction site will win the auction.
What is the Snibble feature?
SNIBBLE is an advanced bidding feature which is exclusive to EZsniper. We developed this feature for auction sites which extend the endtime when bids come in late in the auction. SNIBBLE, a combination of the words snipe and nibble, continues to submit your bid in increasing amounts each time the auction is extended, never exceeding your maximum bid. On most auction sites which extend, the extension feature is an option selectable by the seller, so you will see both regular bidding accounts and Snibble bidding accounts available for many auction sites which offer this feature to sellers.
I didn't win the auction. What went wrong?
Probably nothing. Usually when a EZsniper user doesn't win, bidding just went past the maximum the user set. Sometimes the difference between the current high bid and the user's maximum bid is less than the minimum bid increment and EZsniper is unable to bid. Occasionally the seller ends the auction early. There are a variety of outcomes that will result in not winning an auction. EZsniper tells you what happened in your auction with the "Response" button on your bid listing. The "Response" button shows how the auction site responded when your bid was delivered by our system.
If you need more information, please go to our TUTORIAL page on Bidding Strategy, or check out our BIDDING TIPS.
I bid more than the winning price. Why did I lose?
Usually it is because your bid was below the minimum bid increment. There is a sliding scale of minimum bid increments, and they are different for each currency, and the increments increase as the bidding gets higher. Find out more about this by searching 'bid increments' on your eBay Help page.
If you need more information, please go to our TUTORIAL page on Bidding Strategy, or check out our BIDDING TIPS.
What do the terms mean that I see on my auction page and archive?
The status of your bid changes as the auction progresses until you get the final response to your bid. These are the status reports you will see, and what they mean:
- Pending - your bid is in the database awaiting the end of the auction.
- Queued - EZsniper is preparing to submit your bid.
- Won - Congratulations!
- Done - The auction is over, all necessary follow up is complete.
- Bid Too Low - Your bid was lower than the minimum bid when it was submitted.
- Reserve - The auction's reserve was not met.
- Early - The auction ended early. Refer to the auction page.
- Late - The bid was submitted, however it arrived or was confirmed after the auction ended.
- Error - The bid was submitted, but an interruption prevented the bid from being accepted.
- Password - Your bidding account login information was incorrect.
- Blocked - Either the auction site or the seller barred you from bidding on this auction.
If you need more information, please go to our Tutorial page on Bid Responses.